what is your favort thing a bout hiking

Thursday, May 20, 2010


when we went to the beach this year we did a lot of things! we...
went to the bullfrog corner. the bullfrog corner is a stuffed animal place and it has books and walking-sticks and pitcher frames to. i got a Nancy Drew book the secret of shadow ranch. Amber got a horse pitcher frame. and Trent got a Buffalo walking stick. it has a candy part to so it is a tradition to git two bags of jelly beans! and we had to get some limibean jelly beans. (yuck)
we also went to the Broadway at the beach. i got sum candy! at it's sugar. that place is soooooooooo cool! they made a big castle out of jelly beans!
and on are way home we stooped at target. i got a Nancy Drew PC game called the phantom of Venice.
and when Trent and Daddy went on the peer Trent caut a shark!
when we were playing in the water we Sal a shark! babum and Mommy both Sal it at the same time and yelled SHARK! of course babum was in a beach char so he wal face to fin with the shark! he shood be in the world record book for that!

we had lots o fun at the beach! can't Waite IN tell next year!

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